Welcome to the website of the Department of Humanities of the School of Classics and Humanities at Democritus University of Thrace. The Department of Humanities was established in 2024 (Law 5094, Government Gazette 39/13.03.2024, Vol. A) and is already functioning administratively with a provisional Assembly, while it will admit its first students in the academic year 2025-2026. The Department offers two distinct Undergraduate Programmes of Study (UPS): (a) the UPS “Philology, History, and Anthropology” (PHA) and (b) the UPS “Digital Applications in Arts and Culture” (DAAC). Despite their relative affinity, the two UPS are distinct in scope, content, and objectives.
The PHA programme aims to provide interdisciplinary education in the field of Humanities, specifically in Philology, History, and Anthropology, offering students a comprehensive and holistic training in the Humanities. This programme will confer a degree in “Philology, History, and Anthropology” with the following specializations: (a) “Philology Specialization”, (b) “History Specialization”, and (c) “Anthropology Specialization”. Graduates will be trained to meet current international standards and will acquire sufficient qualifications either to pursue further research in postgraduate and doctoral studies or to work in the public sector, particularly in education (PE02 Philology). They may also work in the private sector as tutors, staff in companies focusing on culture, arts, and their digital applications, as well as in tourism, advertising, and communication (as copywriters/editors, digital creators, or members of creative teams). Additionally, they may be employed in state structures and services dealing with intercultural mediation, as tour guides, museum staff, or consultants on cultural issues.
The DAAC programme focuses on developing and applying digital tools related to cultural heritage, artistic creation, cultural analysis, and utilizing digital technology for managing and promoting cultural products and services. Graduates will receive a degree in “Digital Applications in Arts and Culture”. They will be eligible to participate in the ASEP competition to be included in the list of educators by sector and specialty (PE86 Informatics) for appointment or recruitment in secondary education, according to current legislation. Graduates can also work in cultural organizations (museums, galleries, archives, libraries), tech companies specializing in cultural applications, artistic and cultural productions using digital media, research centres focused on digital cultural heritage, and creative industries involving digital content production, cultural data management, and the development of interactive experiences for cultural heritage.
By the end of the current academic year, all Research Laboratories and Postgraduate Programmes operating within the individual Departments of the School of Classics and Humanities, namely the Departments of History and Ethnology, Greek Philology, and Language, Philology, and Culture of Black Sea Countries, will be integrated into the Department of Humanities.
Visitors to the Department of Humanities’ website will find information about its staff and its Undergraduate Programmes, as well as the structures and services of Democritus University of Thrace designed for its students. We welcome suggestions aimed at improving our services and enriching the information provided here.